First off I am going to assume you will be using the first partition on the second drive as your XP partition, and the second partition as your /home partition. And from now on I will refer to your root fs partition as /dev/hda1 and your /home fs as /dev/hdb2.
You could set things up like this:
First copy everything from /home to the root of the second drive:
1. Mount the second drive to a temporary mount point:
mount /dev/hdb2 /mnt/temp
2. Copy everything from /home to the root of the second drive with the archive option. This will preserve file permissions and ownership:
cp -a /home/* /mnt/temp
Now that you have a copy of everything that was in /home on the second drive you can mount that drive under /home. Here is an example of the relevent lines of fstab:
# /etc/fstab
/dev/hda1 / /ext3 defaults 1 1 #Your root partition - this should already be in fstab
/dev/hdb2 /home /ext3 defaults 0 0 #Your /home partition - you will have to add this
Now this leaves everything that was in /home still there on the root partition. With /dev/hdb1 mounted on /home you will not be able to see this. I would try setting things up like this and then reboot and check the output of df to see that /dev/hdb1 got mounted on /home and that you can login fine and access your home directories. Once you are satisfied you can switch to single user mode and unmount /dev/hdb1 from /home and delete anything within that directory. Then remount /home and switch back to multi-user mode.
Hope this helps.