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Old 06-19-2003, 10:28 PM   #1
Registered: Apr 2003
Location: Dallas, TX
Posts: 122

Rep: Reputation: 15
Adding 4th hard drive using PCI ide card

So I have a new 160Gb hard drive hooked up to an ATA133 pci ide card. The card allow 4 ide drives in addition to the 4 from the motherboard. I eventually want this new drive to be the only drive on my system(for noise purposes-My opther drives whine too much)
I Have 3 Hard drives and 1 CD-RW on my system now.

ide0 M = hda
ide0 S = hdb
ide1 M = hdc
ide1 S = cdrom

pci ide0 = hde.

So What I did was unplu everything except hde drive and install RH9.0 on it.

My original system has RH8.0 on hda.

When I plug everything togther, I get boot errors form hde and hda. They both try to boot certain peices.

What I want to do is boot from hda, so I can copy my config stuff over to hde. How can I exclusively boot from hda and just mount hde after boot? I dont want to go switching around cables either.

any suggestions?

Old 06-19-2003, 10:47 PM   #2
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My SWAG is that RH uses labels to identify its partitions, look at your /etc/fstab. Since you have multiple partitions with the same label its confusing the OS.

Create a backup up /etc/fstab file as a precautionary step and change the labels to the actual /dev/hdax / etc.

I would reboot, mount your /dev/hde partitions to temp diirecties as desired and copy your files over.

Last edited by michaelk; 06-19-2003 at 10:48 PM.
Old 06-20-2003, 12:12 PM   #3
Registered: Apr 2003
Location: Dallas, TX
Posts: 122

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Well, I changed both hda and hde Labels to actual devices and I still get a conflict when booting when both are hooked up.
Anyway I can tell Linux that hda is the one I want to boot off of. I will try chaning lilo on hde, but not sure if that will work either.
Old 06-20-2003, 02:55 PM   #4
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It was a good guess. I assume that you did not include an /dev/hde references in your /etc/fstab.

I am not to familar with how RH9 boots and so it just might ignore it.


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