I just installed Jamd after not using it for several months, and I am going crazy trying to get my nvnet driver to work!
I've downloaded the tar.gz file from NVidia but cannot compile it because Jamd doesn't come with make. So I got make, and am told I require some glib file. I get that, which requires another one.
Yes, I am in depdency hell! I'd just use synpatic but I need to install these drivers first so I can get on the net. What I have been doing is booting my XP drive, downloading rpms, and putting them on my shared drive, and then booting Jamd and installing it, but this is getting very frustrating with each new dependency i need to fix.
But the thing is, I don't remember it being this difficult the last time I used Jamd. In fact, I seem to remember loving Jamd because of its ease of use. So is there an easier way? I tried just installing the RH9 rpm, but this did not work. It seemed to install the driver found, but it could not be found when I tried to activate it.
Any ideas before I go out and buy a new NIC? And, if not, any suggestions for a cheap NIC that will work quickly and easily?