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Old 03-06-2003, 09:46 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
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Question 802.11b recommendations

Ok, for Christmas my parents thought they'd be nice and get me a wireless router and a PCI card so I could stick a computer in the bedroom of my apartment. Wonderful, except the card they bought me was a Linksys WMP11 v2.7, so I ran into the whole Broadcom problem (if there are any developments on that front let me know!).

Anyway, I'm finally setting this deal up since I've had a bit of free time (and due to the previous lack of free time a little extra cash). I'm looking to go ahead and buy a new 802.11b PCI card, but I don't want to run into the same situation I did before. I'd like to get a Prism based card that doesn't have a variant based on a Broadcom or some other unsupported chipset. I'd rather not take it home and find out I can't use it. Also if you have had good/bad/other experiences with it, feel free to elaborate. I'm willing to go USB, I guess, but a while back I had read some bad things about USB 802.11b equipment and Linux. Maybe thats old news.

Old 03-06-2003, 11:29 PM   #2
LQ Newbie
Registered: Nov 2002
Posts: 7

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Cards with the lucent chipset tend to be better than the prism2 cards, plus they have a port for and external antenna. I have a Dell TrueMobile 1150. It is the exact same card as the Orinoco Gold card, just relabled. You shouldn't have anyproblem setting up any of the lucent cards in linux.

Old 03-08-2003, 06:40 PM   #3
LQ Guru
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An older Linksys WMP11, the D-Link-520 (not the 520+), a Netgear MA311 I think its called... they haven't switched off of prism2 yet thankfully... that's the biggies. USB prism devices are a bit of a nightmare sometimes, plus you run into the same version number bait and switch that Linksys used. All of them work brilliantly under orinoco_pci v.13 or so, and work serviceably with versions back to v11b




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