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Old 02-09-2003, 08:43 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
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536ep still not on the air Dorian

Dorian is the guy to tackle but he hasn't answered the few questions I still have about the 536ep-453.m9.0(he developed them) drivers for the MD5628 D-L-C chipset I would like to get working under Mandrake 9.0. So here they are again for the next person with the know how, willing to inform a total stranger cheese head. The attachment I copied from the bash output I can sent in another email! In short: Not possible to delete the 536ep in the dev directory. Read something about that and tried it myself but that also did not work for me. autoconfig.version.h no such file or directory is also still there. To some it is probably a piece of cake but to me the Kernel source headers are still complete abracadabra. To little knowledge in this head. There must be at least one head in this world filled with the right info and the willingness to assist this good but total newbie. Are there any dutch guys out there also with this knowledge?

Much obliged elzo

Last edited by elzo; 02-09-2003 at 08:44 AM.


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