To find what driver file holds our disk, check (4th paragraph, title /dev/hda).
Then, create the mount point, a directory where you will access the data. I use a special directory for all mount points, not in /mnt, to keep this latter free as a mount point (as in
FHS). I created a /fs (stands for FileSystems). So you do, as root :
mkdir /fs && mkdir /fs/windows
Then you must include a line in /etc/fstab for your disk to be mounted every time you boot. Run this, as root :
echo "/dev/hdb /fs/windows vfat defaults 0 0" >> /etc/fstab
If you want many users to access your FAT32 data, don't inset that line, but create a group :
addgroup win-access
Then add the users meant to access the FAT32 disk to that group :
adduser tatania win-access
adduser nadia win-access
Beware, I'm not sure if there is an adduser/addgroup in Suse.
Then run this, as root :
echo "/dev/hdb /fs/windows vfat defaults,gid=`grep '^win-access' /etc/group | cut -d ":" -f 3` 0 0" >> /etc/fstab