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Old 08-27-2004, 09:58 AM   #1
Registered: Jan 2004
Location: Europe.
Distribution: Windows XP, openSuse 10.1
Posts: 215

Rep: Reputation: 30
128mb nVidia GeForce PCX 5300 PCI Express - How easy to get working with 3d renderin?

Hey folks,

Been thinkin about getting a new PC for a while, saw a nice one, used to ATI cards, but this one has a: 128mb nVidia GeForce PCX 5300 PCI Express with TV-Out

Firstly, is it good? Never used nVidia and don't know this card.
And is it better than an ATI Radeon 9800 XL or XXL? (Basically 9800 Pro overclocked; not sure what the XXL is though but it's better than the XL)

And secondly, I know with ATI it's hella hard to get 3d renderin working. Been using linux for a while with me current ati card, no 3d renderin, have realised i miss it, heh, there are some nice linux games which i wouldn't mind foolin around in but can't. so is it easier with nvidia, and this card in specific?

Old 08-28-2004, 05:16 AM   #2
Registered: Jan 2004
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Distribution: Windows XP, openSuse 10.1
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Can't anyone help?
Old 08-29-2004, 04:26 AM   #3
Registered: Jan 2004
Location: Europe.
Distribution: Windows XP, openSuse 10.1
Posts: 215

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Rep: Reputation: 30
Ok, well can anyone please tell me how easy it is to get this card working with 3d rendering? The main reason why I'm now looking at nVidia cards is basically because I hear they work well with Linux.
Old 08-29-2004, 12:32 PM   #4
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eBobBob - please don't presume that a lack of replies is due to people not wanting to help out. People here at LQ really do try to help each other out and most likely a lack of a reply is simply due to people not being familiar with the equipment in in question. There are numerous existing threads on enabling 3D and if you haven't already done so it may be worthwhile doing a Search to locate them. My expectation would be that you will find at least some useful info there. Additionally, there is the LQ HCL, which contains reviews about specific hardware components, written and rated by your fellow LQ'ers. I don't know if this card is listed, but you might want to check. Good luck with the project -- J.W.


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