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RED 07-11-2003 04:55 PM

X graphical mode not working at all
Hi people.

I'm a newbie, but I like to call me an advanced n00b cuz I used RedHat 5.2 some years back. :D

I recently installed Red Hat 9. It wants to show a graphical login screen, but when the boot is done and the Xserver or X11 or X86 (I dont know how you call it) starts, my screen goed black, stays black and the monitor's power LED flashes, I think indicating there's no signal.
ctrl + alt + backspace doesn't work, but ctrl + alt + F2 does. From there I can login as root.

*takes a breath*

Then I can do a telinit 3 which ends those X processes (I think) so they won't be conflicting with any config tools (I think)...
The xf86config command which existed in Red Hat 5.2 doesn't seem to exist, and I read about Xconfigurator somewhere on the net but that one doesn't exist either. Not even after an updatedb.
I really did a lot of searches on the net and tried a lot of things that worked for others, without any succes. I even learned that scary vi thing so I could edit the xf86config file, but just editing the numbers with a wet finger didn't help and I can't find my monitor's specs (Hsync+Vsync) anywhere on the net.
Then I tried xfree86 -configure (or something - I forgot the exact phrase) which creates a new config file, and this makes it possible to run xfree86 (or something) with that config file and then something else happens: The screen goes black and the LED flashes as usual - *but* a small window appears (generated by my monitor - not by linux) saying "Video Mode Not Supported".


Then there's the RedHat website and all it tells me is to run RedHat-config-xfree86. It tries to open a minimal X session BUT - X windows doesn't run AT ALL, it shows the black screen and flashing LED without the "Video Mode Not Supported" message.

BTW: Installation in graphical mode failed - it went text mode but that worked fine also.

I am really unable to solve this on my own or with my somewhat more experienced linux friends. PLEASE help me!

My stuff:
  • Monitor: Samsung SyncMaster 172v
  • Video Card: A-open GeForce FX5200
Monitor is not in the list when installing but is later probed as "SyncMaster" and at least it sounds good, and I selected "standard VESA (generic)" during the first installation and "GeForce FX (generic)" during the second try.

DavidPhillips 07-11-2003 10:14 PM

sometimes it is necessary to create a config file so you can enter your specific hardware manually.

This is best done with xf86config.
Use this howto and you should get a working X server.

DavidPhillips 07-11-2003 10:22 PM

sorry I did not notice you said xf86config was not there.

It looks like you will need to install Xconfigurator or xf86config

you could also try manually editing the XF86Config file and put in your monitor sync freqs

RED 07-12-2003 05:15 AM

Short version: No success.
Long version:

I tried editing xf86config manually but with no luck. I really have no idea about the sync value's; they are not in the monitor's manual and afaik not on the net either.

I was wondering if it's normal that Red Hat 9 lacks tools like xf86config and Xconfigurator. First I thought it was an error that I could not find those commands, so I reïnstalled linux with all the RPM's selected. This installed about 5 gigs of 'junk' from which I will probably use 1/20th. But the big idea was I didn't forget to install anything this way. However, xf86config and Xconfigurator are still not there.

As for installing a copy of xf86config and Xconfigurator manually, I'm too n00b to do that on my own :(

New stuff I DID try that shines a different light on things:
I attached my Philips 107E monitor (which is a normal one, not a TFT one) and ran redhat-config-xfree86, and on this monitor the screen also went black, monitor's power LED turning orange (indicating no signal) so now I actually think it has something to do with my videocard in stead of my monitor. Even tho I selected something that sounds logical during installation.

mmm 07-12-2003 06:18 AM

If you want to try the xf86config and the other tool, maybe it will help you, if you download and install the apt-get package(perhaps you can find it at or After installing it,you can just type apt-get install program_name and if you are lucky,it will work.
The other thing-if you are right and the problem is with your graphic card,try editing the /etc/X11/XF86Config(or -4) file and adjust the properties for the device. Or go to he card vendor's page and try to find out something about Linu instalation of this card(nvidia does it have).
Or the third option(but this shoudn't be right) you have got too high resolution and colordepth settings in XF86Config(or -4) file
That's everything I can tell you now(I had also many problem with X I was using RH9 and now Debian)
What spring on my mind just now-if you will have apt-get installed and you have got good link,you can try apt-get update and afterwards apt-get upgrade --?this will upgrade all your packages in your system(better than up2date function)

ziggamon 07-12-2003 08:00 AM

Sorry.. this was a totally stupid message

RED 07-12-2003 08:35 AM

Thanks for the help, people, but I just solved the problem right after my second post in this topic. When I realised it might be my video card in stead of my monitor I did some searches and I found this nVidia Linux Display Driver. Take a close look if you're reading this with the same problems as me, because it supports a lot of video cards (this site is dutch but you can understand the list of supported video cards).
I downloaded the driver in Windows since linux internet doesn't work (yet) and besides, textbased-internet equals hell. I stored it on my FAT32 partition since I'm not sure linux can read NTFS.

Here's what I did:

-Boot linux
-Get rid of the nonworking X login by pressing
-login as root
-shutdown X by entering
telinit 3
-mount the filesystem where you downloaded the file by entering
mount /dev/hda# /mnt
Where # is your partition numer
-Install the package by entering
sh /mnt/<path>/
Where <path> is the path on the drive (downloads for me)
-Do what it says
-Starting x by entering


Now I'm left with other problems. Mouse isn't working, internet (on board gigabit LAN) isn't working, and sound from my sb live! is soft and rear speakers are not functioning. But there problems are off-topic here.
DON'T hesitate to give me advice tho! ;)

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