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Old 10-09-2003, 04:59 PM   #1
Registered: Oct 2003
Posts: 47

Rep: Reputation: 16
x-chat and standby modes...

ok, so i was running x-chat for irc lastnight and left it on after i went to bed. When i woak up this morning i went to the computer and saw that it had gone into a stand by mode (i had to hit a keyboard button to make it wake up. Also i found that i had been disconnected from the irc server i was in and that because of that when it tried to re-connect it was ghosting itself on the server. So is there a way to turn off the stand-by mode? i tried "xset -dpms" from the console and it told me it coulnd't open display "" so i did it in the emulated console from the gnome desktop and the screen flash once (maybe that did it?).
so, yeah, why does my computer go into standby? did the standby cause the disconnect from irc?
any help here would really help

i am on rh7

Old 10-09-2003, 08:25 PM   #2
Registered: Oct 2003
Posts: 47

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Rep: Reputation: 16
ok, so i left my computer with an ftp server running, from one of my computer classes i tried to access the server and nothing was happening, when i got back to my room i saw that it had entered a suspend mode (with the monitor off and hard drives powered down) a tap of the key board and it was back up and running and the ftp worked fine. so whats the deal? how do i turn this off?
oh and my sudden thought on it is that it could be my mother board that is doing this, because just one tap of the power button and the computer goes into standby when i am booting or in the shell.


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