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Old 12-26-2002, 03:35 AM   #1
Registered: Apr 2002
Location: Central US
Distribution: Libranet 1.9.1 & 2.0, tinyX (2dskxwin) & WinLinux 2001
Posts: 83

Rep: Reputation: 15
WooHoooo Opera 6.0 and Flash .... finally

As I transition all of the microsoft desktops at home to Linux , I found that I liked Opera 6.0 much better than Navigator/Mozilla because of the speed issue. But the kids still open Navigator "Because the web sites with games wont work right with Opera". They are refering to Flash games. Simular to those at .
After an exhausting search for "The Flash in Opera remedy" I thought I finally found it buried, on their website. At "Great !" I say but I use Libranet (Debian Linux). It seems they have the answer for that one also. At It includes the download links for RedHat6/7.rpm's , Mandrake.rpm , Debians.deb , binary.tar.gz and source code. They described the problem exactly as I was experiencing it. And had the instructions for installation. To view any errors open Opera from a console and then browse to a Flash enabled page and the same error should keep coming back up in the console , " couldnt be found". It turns out this is part of "motifs", my best guess is that it makes something look like something else. That is to say it makes Opera look like Navigator to Flash. Opera found the Flash plugins in the /usr/lib/netscape/477/netscape/plugins and the /usr/lib/opera/plugins directories but seemed not to use them when called. This was because Flash saw it but didnt know how to use it while being called from Opera. (again, my best guess) .
Plugins were enabled. The flash plugin was installed correctly to both browsers , It worked in Navigator but not Opera The mime type was correctly identified in the Opera preferences panel but still no-go till openmotif was correctly installed. The latest version of Flash for Linux, as of this writing, is 6.0 . And it is available at .

One less reliance on microsoft for something as simple as web browsing and simple games for the kids. 4 desktops down 1 to go.


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