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Old 06-04-2006, 12:46 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jan 2006
Posts: 14

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Question WinXP + RAID0 + SUSE 10.1


I would like to setup a dualboot on my machine. I already have WinXP installed on a RAID0 setup on SATA PCI card. I have a 3rd SATA drive connectd to my MB on the 1st SATA connector (Primary?).

I want to boot from the "VIA RAID 0" (as shown in the BIOS) through NTLDR, with SUSE 10.1 installed on that 3rd drive.

When installing SUSE, I switch the BIOS to boot from the 3rd single drive. Then I install SUSE on it with the bootloader in the first sector of the /boot partition. Everything runs fine by now.

Then I extract the 512bytes for NTLDR, switch the BIOS back to boot from VIA RAID, and run WinXP. I configure the boot.ini to load the "512bytes" file (bootsector). Then when I reboot I get the choice to boot linux or Win. When I choose win-it loads with no problem, but when I choose linux it just shows "GRUB", and hangs. The same with LILO-it shows something like LI 99 99 99 99 99 (dont remember well-for the last 100 times used GRUB).
When I swtich the BIOS back linux loads OK again.

I read a lot similar threads, but none were helpfull. It always hangs when it comes to the "GRUB" part.
I also believe that I configure boot.ini and extract the bootsector correctly, because NTLDR acctually loads the bootsector.
It might aswell has nothing to do with the setup of the linux partitions: "/boot" (100MB-ext3) + "/" (root-30GB-XFS) and no "swap".

Some other details:
MB is ASUS P5P800
PCI RAID card is based on VIA VT6421
I do not need linux to be able to access the NTFS partitions, just to dualboot with this setup.

I hope I have mentioned everything necessary. PLEASE HELP! X(


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