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Old 05-30-2007, 12:53 PM   #1
Registered: Aug 2003
Distribution: Kubuntu 7.04
Posts: 49

Rep: Reputation: 15
Will installing packages slow down my Linux system?

Hi, I have a quick question. I have been a Windows user for a long time, and I am makeing the transition to Ubuntu. I have been installing packages to try them, and I am wondering if that would slow down my system as it does in Windows. Will packages make Linux load stuff at startup or something else that could make the system slower? Thanks

Old 05-30-2007, 01:00 PM   #2
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It depends on the package but in general no. If you don't actually run the package it then all it is doing is taking up disk space. (One could argue that impacts performance because it takes longer to traverse directory structures and of course you're going further to the edge of the disk. However that kind of impact is minimal at best.)

There are some things that will created automatic start up files (see /etc/init.d) but you can keep them from automatically starting if you want.
Old 05-30-2007, 01:01 PM   #3
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It depends on the package.....

Any application can be configured to run at startup---some have no purpose unless they do start at startup.

Just installing an normal application does nothing except use hard-drive space.

(All this applies equally to Windows)
Old 05-30-2007, 01:24 PM   #4
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In Windows, there is no centralized package management system. Therefore, every software application has to fend for itself when it comes to checking for automatic updates. This results in a massive logjam on startup of various applications independently checking for updates, and generally bogs down the computer as these numerous applications make periodic checks.

In Ubuntu and other Linux distributions, most applications do NOT have automatic updates checking. Instead, just one centralized package management system is used to update all packages. This is very efficient, so additional packages do not significantly slow down the system.
Old 05-30-2007, 03:30 PM   #5
Registered: Aug 2003
Distribution: Kubuntu 7.04
Posts: 49

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Thanks for the replyes. The reason I asked the question is because I installed the Looking Glass desltop to try it, and after I installed it I thought that KDE starting running slower. Is that possible?
By the way, looking glass is REALLY slow in my computer (Pentium 4, 1GB RAM).
Another question: If I unisntall a program in Ubuntu, will it be completelly gone or will it leave some crap behind as it does in Windows? Thanks



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