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Old 10-08-2005, 04:49 AM   #1
Crushing Belial
Registered: Mar 2005
Location: University of Massachusetts - Lowell
Distribution: Ubuntu, Win 7 Pro, Win 7 Enterprise
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Rep: Reputation: 15
Unhappy Why is there no distribution of Linux for the PS2?

I mean, it's perfect. It has 2 USB ports for a mouse and keyboard, you can fit almost any standard IDE hard drive inside of it, and it has a network adapter. Why isn't there a Linux distro for the PS2, besides the official one that's no longer manufactured?
Old 10-08-2005, 04:56 AM   #2
Registered: May 2005
Location: München, Germany
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There might be a way to install any stock distro there, but I'm not sure how.. I heard that you can install Linux on an Xbox too

Old 10-08-2005, 05:06 AM   #3
Crushing Belial
Registered: Mar 2005
Location: University of Massachusetts - Lowell
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Originally posted by Ahmed
There might be a way to install any stock distro there, but I'm not sure how.. I heard that you can install Linux on an Xbox too


There's even GNU/Linux for the GameCube. And that doesn't even have a hard drive, or usable optical drive.
Old 10-08-2005, 05:21 AM   #4
Registered: May 2005
Location: München, Germany
Distribution: Slackware, Arch
Posts: 386

Rep: Reputation: 41
Sounds neat.. Too bad I don't own a Gamecube

Old 10-08-2005, 09:54 AM   #5
LQ Newbie
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there is. it's called the developer's kit.

it costs a helluva lot (in comparison; i think it's actually around £120ish), and you have to use a very heavily altered kernel for it to run, since the PS2 does not use any kind of standardised hardware - it's either bespoke or hacked in some way (sorry - i know that companies don't "hack" hardware, they "reverse engineer". whatever.)

it's only really designed for building games, truth be told - it's not a usable distro for most of us, unless you really want to become a PS2 coder.
Old 01-03-2006, 03:19 AM   #6
Registered: Sep 2004
Posts: 69

Rep: Reputation: 18
all i have to say is check out that were ive posted many things about the ps2 linux distro


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