Why I haven't gone strictly to linux.
I use linux to play games, surf the web, check e-mail, run an ftp/bit torrent server, and watch dvds.
The main reason why I still use windows is games. Games are still the Acheilles heel of Linux. With programs like transgaming, I can play most of my games in linux now, but there are always exceptions (like final fantasy XI), and the games that do run usually have this flaw or that flaw. Also, until/unless linux gets eax support, they just won't be as good as they are in windows. It seems dumb to buy an audigy or audigy 2 card if I'm never going to take advantage of all the sound features of the card. That is my main reason for still dual booting. I just hope that not only do more games become available that natively run on linux, but that the special features of soundcards get better linux support. To my knowledge, creative still makes the best soundcards from a gaming standpoint. (They are always the first to support the latest version of eax, which is what most of the games use for multi-channel surround.) Until Creative gets better linux support, games just won't be the same.
If not for that, I'd be linux all the way.
Just my $.02.