Ok, first of all you should read the man pages. they are the best documentation you'll get.
man who
man w
man finger
man ps
with ps -u <uid> you can get all the proceses a user is running. then you can kill them (man kill). to 'kick' a user you just have to see the process whose CMD (command that started the process) is bash (or some shell).
I think that reading the man pages should be enough to solve your doubts. you might also want to chek what tha root that has been logged in a few days has been doing. and if it is a network connection (pts/7 doesn't sound like a remote conection, but...)
the command w should show all users... still if you changed your uid with SU you won't see the root, you'll be detected as the first user. (you can run proceses as another user from kde usign the ALT+F2)
hope i helped-