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Old 01-05-2004, 10:15 AM   #1
Registered: Nov 2003
Location: Argentina
Distribution: RedHat 9
Posts: 54

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What *has* to be in the root filesystem?

I plan some day to rearrange my HD partitions that are extremely inadecuate for my present needs (they come from the time where I had only w98 in the machine).
I look at the RH 9 disk druid and I like it supports LVM. It's recommended not to have the / filesystem in a logical volume.
So my question is:
I'd set up a ext3 partition for / but what else do I have to put there and how will it grow over time?

Does the /root directory have to go in the same partotion as / ?
How about /boot? I assume yes.
I know all user data goes to /home, so I plan to put that in a logical volume along with where the programs get installed. Is this /usr?
I wellcome any recomendation as where to put different parts of the system.

Old 01-05-2004, 11:37 AM   #2
LQ Guru
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"Does the /root directory have to go in the same partotion as / ?"

"How about /boot?"
/boot can be on its own partition.

/home can be on its own partition

/opt can be on its own partition

/usr can be on its own partition

/tmp can be on its own partition

"I plan to put that in a logical volume along with where the programs get installed. Is this /usr? "
It is in Red Hat. Some distributions divide the programs bewteen /usr and /opt.

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Steve Stites
Old 01-05-2004, 08:21 PM   #3
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/var should be on its own partition

If you plan to use squid, you should consider to give a separate partition to the squid cache, too (that is where most file system errors occur)


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