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Old 12-27-2002, 06:12 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Dec 2002
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What's wrong with my script ?

Hi ,

it is regarding about interbase startup script.
I have tried to modify my first script and I can't get it up,
and I have to resolve in starting my interbase server
manually , can anyone help me to check whats wrong with my script below , thanks.

- system always complains - unexpected eof at line ... why?
- what is esac ?
- what is the line ".${INTERBASE:=/usr/interbase/bin}" about ?

{----- script start -----}

#! /bin/sh
# ibserver script - Start/stop the InterBase daemon
# Set these environment variables if and only if they are not set.
. ${INTERBASE:=/usr/interbase/bin}
. ${ISC_PASSWORD:=masterkey}
# WARNING: in a real-world installation, you should not put the
# SYSDBA password in a publicly-readable file. To protect it:
# chmod 700 ibserver; chown root ibserver
export ISC_USER

# This example assumes the InterBase server is
# being started as UNIX user 'interbase'.
#$INTERBASE/bin/ibmgr -start -forever | su interbase
$INTERBASE/bin/ibmgr -start -forever interbase

# No need to su, since $ISC_USER and $ISC_PASSWORD validate us.
#$INTERBASE/bin/ibmgr -shut -password $ISC_PASSWORD
$INTERBASE/bin/ibmgr -shut

case $1 in
'start' )
echo -e 'InterBase Server starting... c'
ibserver_start ;;
'start_msg' )
echo -e 'InterBase Server starting... c' ;;
'stop' )
echo -e 'InterBase Server stopping... c'
ibserver_stop ;;
'stop_msg' )
echo -e 'InterBase Server stopping... c' ;;
*) echo 'Usage: $0 { start | stop }'; exit 1;;
exit 0

{----- script start -----}
Old 12-27-2002, 06:25 PM   #2
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well i can't see any syntax off hand, but you said you are trying to modify it... well what is it that you've changed?

esac is "case" written backwards, i.e. closing the case block.

and you've not told us which line acutally DOES give that error. why did you remove it???

also, next time, paste code inside a code block, it formats it so much better.
Old 12-27-2002, 09:12 PM   #3
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When troubleshooting shell scripts try to redirect the error output to a file like: "sh -x /some/ 2> /some/error.log". Makes it easier to understand.

unexpected eof at line usually means not closing a block. Could be anything like a missing quote.
.${INTERBASE:=/usr/interbase/bin} means if the environment variable INTERBASE holds no value, assign it the value given after the eq sign. The period in front means "source it". I hope the target is sourceable or is a script or smptin alike, because sourcing isn't the same as "executing" like you do w binaries. Removing the periods before the 3 variable declarations makes it export the vars like it should.
Old 12-28-2002, 01:21 AM   #4
LQ Newbie
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Thanks for both your help
I tried 2> ./error.log and I got
./ibserver: line 43:syntax error: unexpected end of file

where line 43 is after my script last line ,
which is
exit 0

but AFTER my script "exit 0" there is a remark line
/********************* end of contents *************************/
I don't think is this is the problem, just couldn't figure out whats wrong???

BTW , upSpawn , U mentioned "the target is sourceable or is a script or smptin alike", what do u mean ? my "/usr/interbase/bin"
is a directory .
Old 12-28-2002, 06:30 AM   #5
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Kalmen, if you don't know what you're doing (with that script) then what you should have done in the first place was post the whole script, not leaving out parts just like acid_kewpie said. That would have made it easier for ppl to help you troubleshoot this.
Now it just doesn't make no sense.

The "what do u mean ? my "/usr/interbase/bin" is a directory" part shows as well you shouldve provided more info besides that as well.
Old 12-28-2002, 09:38 AM   #6
LQ Newbie
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sorry , I am really ,really new in script writing and should provide what ever problems that I am facing , and be really clear in my questions , so I won't aste your time , I'll change this attitude,
ok , back to the problems , I don' understand what do u mean
"the target is sourceable or is a script or smptin alike, " and I think you are refering to "${INTERBASE:=/usr/interbase/bin} " where u said that is it a script or something alike " so I just want to tell U that in my pc , "/usr/interbase/bin" is a directory.

But My problem remain unsolved , I still got the
./ibserver: line 43:syntax error: unexpected end of file ERROR!

UnSpawn ,
Do you know what' wrong?
Old 12-28-2002, 07:36 PM   #7
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You might use a simple bug tracking technic:
You can locate the source of the error on your own by commenting out or cutting out lines or complete blocks (, case...esac, functions) until the error disappears.
Meanwhile take care not to produce additional errors and special care to comment out at the first place any commands that can do harm when other parts of the script are removed.

Good luck


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