Originally posted by juanb
what is the command to enter in crontab to do this ?
Well first create the script to run the wget command. You could do something simple to remove the existing file first and then download the latest files with something like this:
Save and make it executable with chmod +x <scriptname>
You will want to check the man pages for wget, I can't remember exactly but I think the command I gave above in the script should just download that one file, instead of grabbing all the links, creating the directories, etc.
Then in crontab you can just do this:
0 22 * * * /path/to/script
That would envoke the script to run every day at 10pm every day and every month.
You could or can also just add the wget command in crontab to grab the file, not sure if there is a overwrite option for wget, I'd check the man pages on:
For more details or options. Hope this helps get you started. I'm sure there are easier ways maybe, I'm just going out of my head right now..