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Old 03-05-2004, 11:50 AM   #1
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website building with screem

apologies if this isn't the correct forum for this(these) question(s) please move it, if it's wrong.

I'm looking to build myself a website. I've been looking around my system, and screem is installed. Having looked at the app, I can probably workout how to use it, but even though I've tried to read up on website building, I don't quite understand is how it goes together.

Do I just build the homepage and save that as a single document, with the various links in the page to the subsequent pages? or is this done as like making a directory, then building the first page, and saving it as a single document? with the various links in the page to the other pages? i.e. is the homepage saved/handled differently as some sort of master document or is it just another page with the links?

Also, there seems to be a "new site" wizard in the file>new>new site of screem, that starts off asking about site name, pathname, site template. I'm presuming that "site name" is just that, but does it generate that as a header? and what's meant by pathname, template etc etc.

Then when I forward the wizard, it starts asking hostname remote path and base url of site etc, plus the upload method ? which hostname is it asking for? what is meant by remote path? and base url - would you use just say or do you have to include all the http://www stuff as well?

As for upload, I'm presuming that if I leave it to local, I can just go in and out of the pages/files to do the building until I'm reading to upload it to my provider, or do I need to sort my hosting package before I start ???

Or, as I have a full copy of crossover office, would I be better off just installing the office 2k that I have and using frontpage ??

Bearing in mind that I'd hoped to do this as XHTML

Any idea's suggestions are much appreciated.




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