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Old 04-28-2007, 12:58 PM   #1
Registered: Oct 2003
Location: Portland
Distribution: Gentoo
Posts: 73

Rep: Reputation: 15
Webmail and other character sets

I use Horde to read my e-mail and I'm very happy with it. I do have one issue that I am hoping someone can help me with, if there is a way to fix it at all. When I get an e-mail from my bother (who uses hotmail and usually sends from a Windows XP box) the e-mail comes with a message that says it was written in a character set other than my own, and cannot be displayed inline. If he sends from another computer (or when he was 'forced' to use a Knoppix disk I gave him when his Windows installation died) I stopped getting these messages and it displayed fine. I don't know enough to figure out if it is something on my end (which I doubt because other e-mail from other people displays fine) or if it is something on his end, but I would like to be able to fix it, if there is something I can adjust on his end (and unfortunately installing Linux just for this purpose for him isn't yet an option) that won't cause everyone else he e-mails to get the message I'm getting now. Is there something I can adjust on my end? I'm running Gentoo.


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