vsFTP user permissions
I have currently managed to get a Redhat Linux 9 machine running with apache php mysql and a couple of php modules installed. I have also managed to get vsFTP installed and configured to run off user accounts on linux with each account chrooting to a folder:
this is an example of the file structure for 2 site folders I have set up:
I also have users setup like this
Group: ftp-users
User: fred
User: bob
the sites folder + every folder above that has chgrp set to ftp-users
sites has chown as fred
fred.co.uk has chown has fred
bob.co.uk has chown bob
the problem i'm having is that I want fred to be able to do everything and anything from the sites folder up and bob to only beable to access bob.co.uk up
the problem I am having is that fred can do everything but in bob.co.uk
Is there something I am missing (hopefully i've explained the problem ok) ?