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Old 07-03-2002, 12:06 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jul 2002
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Using partition magic to create Linux partition then install

I've got 2 hard drives right now, a 15 GB with Windows XP (FAT32) and a 60 GB with just files. I just used Partition Magic 7 to create Linux partition and swap file space on my 15 GB drive with XP.

Then I boot of the Red Hat 7.3 cd and when it gets to the "how do you want to partition screen" with disk druid, let Linux do it automatically, and fdisk I go ahead and select "Let Linux partition." After that I get this message:

"Partition table on /tmp/hdb is inconsistent. There are many reasons why. One is that Linux detected Bios Geometry incorrectly. However this is not the case here. It is safe to ignore, but may cause fixable problems with boot loaders and maybe FAT."

I assume hdb is my 60 GB drive? Should I just ahead and click "OK", or should I try disconnecting my 2nd drive for the install?

Thanks for the help.
Old 07-04-2002, 08:52 AM   #2
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You have two hard drives - the primary (hda - the 13G), and a secondary (hdb _ the 60G). RH is telling you that the primary has a partition formatted for Linux, but the secondary doesn't. You should still be able to install RH to the primary Linux and Swap partitions. Your only access to the secondary hard drive from Linux will be if you mount hdb as a WinXP partition. You can alway use Partition Magic now to create a Linux ext2 or ext3 partition and RH should be happy with that. Or, you can install RH now, and partition hdb later. Either way should work.
Old 07-04-2002, 10:13 AM   #3
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I used to use Partitioner Magic before...because well it is a very good partitioner, but I suggest you don't use it now since Linux distributions come already with partitioning software....before like about 4 years ago and earlier linux didn't come with a nice partitioning program like now. Use Diskdruid to do this during's really very simple and you can't go wrong with it....ofcourse unless you delete something accidentally,
anyway, try Disk druid,

Old 09-12-2008, 12:40 AM   #4
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Format Partition Magic for Linux

Originally Posted by bigrigdriver View Post
You have two hard drives - the primary (hda - the 13G), and a secondary (hdb _ the 60G). RH is telling you that the primary has a partition formatted for Linux, but the secondary doesn't. You should still be able to install RH to the primary Linux and Swap partitions. Your only access to the secondary hard drive from Linux will be if you mount hdb as a WinXP partition. You can alway use Partition Magic now to create a Linux ext2 or ext3 partition and RH should be happy with that. Or, you can install RH now, and partition hdb later. Either way should work.
If use partition magic should format under Fat32 or Linux ?
I tried to format using Linux then use Disk Druid for Raid 1 but it cannot boot ?
Old 09-12-2008, 01:59 AM   #5
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You are posting in a thread that is over 6 years old! It is normally better to start a new thread but---since we're started--- we can keep it here.

What Linux are you trying to install?
Normally, the Linux installer will take care of partitioning----so you don't need Partition Magic.
Also, if you are just starting out with Linux, I would not recommended using RAID--it's just one more complication.
Old 09-12-2008, 06:01 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by pixellany View Post

You are posting in a thread that is over 6 years old! It is normally better to start a new thread but---since we're started--- we can keep it here.

What Linux are you trying to install?
Normally, the Linux installer will take care of partitioning----so you don't need Partition Magic.
Also, if you are just starting out with Linux, I would not recommended using RAID--it's just one more complication.
This is my 1st time posting.Hope u don't mind.
Actually, i'm need to setup a Test Server which similar to live Live server.

-Running on Raid 1 (2 hdd) on Red Hat Enterprise 4.
-Then install Trend Micro IMSS ver 7 which only compliance with RHEL 4
and not otherwise.
I need to create new mount point for IMSS database and run as RAID 1 before apply to LIVE server.


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