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Old 10-02-2002, 07:58 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
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Unhappy using dual-screen / monitors


On my PC I have set up a dual-adapter configuration, with a GeForce 3 ti200, and a Matrox Millenium G450, where I have output on both adapters.

I have edited my XF86config, so that both display adapter recieve the same Gnome desktop. But the problem is that I don't want a spanned desktop. I want two different desktops. I want to have one "workspace" on the one screen, and another on the second.

I have done this in Win2k, but I am not able to find out how to do it in X.

Replies are welcome.
Old 10-02-2002, 08:17 AM   #2
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well don't use Xinerama. It is the Xinerama module that spreads a single desktop over two monitors. i don't like it i don't use it. I have blackbox loaded onto both my monitors, operating seperately. Please have a search over this site for information about dual head systems, most by me.
Old 10-02-2002, 08:27 AM   #3
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searching around, not sure if this will help,

i think this is Acid's config file for his dual cards on dual monitors...

Last edited by GT I.N.C; 10-02-2002 at 08:29 AM.
Old 10-02-2002, 08:51 AM   #4
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well, using that XF86Config, I only get an X on my second monitor. I do not run blackbox, nor do I intend to, I run gnome...

Does anybody know what the problem could be?

My scenario is that since you can drag windows across multiple "virtual desktops" / "workspaces", there should be a way to put the second (or third, whatever) virtual desktop on the second monitor....
Old 10-02-2002, 09:09 AM   #5
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you're not seriously JUST using my config file??? obviously it's not going to work for you by default, just like your clothes probably wouldn't fit me...

my experience with gnome is that it DOESN'T automatically load on both heads, so you need to load gnome twice (youch!!)

gnome-session --display :0.0 &
gnome-session --display :0.1 &

in your ~/.xinitrc

i'm not really too aware of how the more "user friendly" desktop loading methods deal with loading a session twice, i jsut always found it easier to hard code it.
Old 10-02-2002, 09:20 AM   #6
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Of course I am not ONLY using your XF86Config.... how dumb could one possibly be ??..

So I have to load the gnome-session TWICE? Then.. where's the point in having two monitors? Two displays? I want to be able to move between them... my go** this complicates things.. It's better to run a stretched desktop, then...

How does blackbox handle this?

I'm gonna give it a try... please post any other ideas / thoughts on this subject..
Old 10-02-2002, 09:27 AM   #7
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which xinitrc? I have one in my home directory, but it is empty. Should I add another line there?
Old 10-02-2002, 10:56 AM   #8
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~/.xinitrc is the file to edit... Well for distros that dont have "weird" X startup sequences/Files
I dont think you can have one monitor as a virtual desktop in Gnome, after all it's called VIRTUAL desktop, go figure.. Its made exactly for those who dont have two monitors but would like to...
Just use Xinerama, i dont use (I use twinView from NVidia, basically the same thing) or do as Acid_kewpie does, two seperate sessions, but loading two gnome seassions sure takes up resources.
Point of having two monitors, i asked that myself too when i had only one monitor. Set two monitors up, use it for a month, then go back to one monitor again and you'll understand the point of having two monitors.
Anyways theres plenty of Info Acid_Kewpie posted on dualheads, and if you get stuck just ask and im sure someone will help you out.
good luck
Old 10-02-2002, 01:07 PM   #9
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From my experience, gnome isn't yet two head aware. I tried both gnome
and KDE and they were both very unable to work the way you want. I
hear enlightenment will work with two separate displays (one instance of
enlightenment), but I haven't tried it. I KNOW openwindows works, but
that's so passe that I'll probably be flamed for using it. I like it because it's
not a resource hog like most of those "slick" window managers. Anyway,
here is my XF86Config:

I made no changes to any other scripts, X and OpenWindows know about
two heads if there are two specified in the XF86Config. . .
However, I have been unable to get DRI and OpenGL working with the
two heads, probably because I don't have enough VRAM. . .
Old 10-02-2002, 01:24 PM   #10
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Originally posted by zegenie

Of course I am not ONLY using your XF86Config.... how dumb could one possibly be ??..

So I have to load the gnome-session TWICE? Then.. where's the point in having two monitors? Two displays? I want to be able to move between them... my go** this complicates things.. It's better to run a stretched desktop, then...

How does blackbox handle this?

I'm gonna give it a try... please post any other ideas / thoughts on this subject..
you can still move between them that is done outside of any window manager. i would think that gnome probably doesn't use twice the resources, it will surely shre some reources between the two of them/

hint: use blackbox.


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