OK, I'm running a number of Debian machines with users authenticating via LDAP. I've basically inherited this network of machines so it's quite a steep learning process. There are a number of things which are broken which I would like to fix.
The first of which is crontab. Crontab works for me because I'm in the /etc/shadow file (I assume this is the reason). Normal users can access crontab (I don't have an allow / deny file) but the actual cron job isn't run. The message I get is "CRON[10557]: Authentication service cannot retrieve authentication info."
Any ideas? I've searched and found that a number of people had this error message when Exim was trying to run a cron job but mailman wasn't in the /etc/shadow file. It's not really viable to add all my users to the /etc/shadow file
Thanks in advance,