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Old 11-24-2002, 12:02 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Sep 2002
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Posts: 15

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USB deactivates on Suspend

Hi. I posted a message recently about my logitech ifeel usb mouse not being able to work. I think the problem was with some stupid module i forgot to enable in the kernel, and i had to install usbmgr (hotplug didn't work for whatever reason)

The issue now I'm having, however, is that when I put my laptop in suspend mode, USB seems to deactivate and stop responding. I can't use the usb devices I attach and when I unplug them and reinsert, they seem to time out. The only way to solve this is to reboot and not suspend the laptop (which is something i can't live without).

There was another issue with this laptop where the sound deactivates when the laptop goes into suspend, but there was a kernel patch that fixes the problem. I searched, but it doesn't look like there's a patch for this issue... atl east not for this laptop.

BTW< this is a Fujitsu P-2040. It has a Crusoe processor...
Old 11-25-2002, 04:27 AM   #2
Registered: Oct 2001
Distribution: Mint 15
Posts: 770

Rep: Reputation: 51
Re: USB deactivates on Suspend

Originally posted by goatleg2
Hi. I posted a message recently about my logitech ifeel usb mouse not being able to work. I think the problem was with some stupid module i forgot to enable in the kernel, and i had to install usbmgr (hotplug didn't work for whatever reason)

The issue now I'm having, however, is that when I put my laptop in suspend mode, USB seems to deactivate and stop responding. I can't use the usb devices I attach and when I unplug them and reinsert, they seem to time out. The only way to solve this is to reboot and not suspend the laptop (which is something i can't live without).

There was another issue with this laptop where the sound deactivates when the laptop goes into suspend, but there was a kernel patch that fixes the problem. I searched, but it doesn't look like there's a patch for this issue... atl east not for this laptop.

BTW< this is a Fujitsu P-2040. It has a Crusoe processor...
I'm clueless^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hurious about this so could you post your /proc/usb and lsmod info before and after a suspend? It would be interesting to see if any modules disappeared.



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