Tripple booting linux/linux/windows
I posted this at the distro board but i think this would be a better place to ask this
Hey everyone
I have this all set up on a spare cd of mine. so let me explain my details.
I Have a machine with Windows 2k and red hat 8 installed. I am currently using Grub as my boot loader (.92 i think) I just got my mandrake 9.2 Cd set with update cd and i am ready to install it.
I have win2k and RH8 on a hard drive set to master, i have a second hard drive that will be set to slave for mandrake.
Now i would like to know how is the best way to go about triple booting this? I would also know the best way to revert back to my red hat win 2k setup incase mandrake isn't all its cracked up to be. I know i can uninstall mdk by just f-disking the second drive but how do i get the boot loader back to just showing 2k and RH? I assume i would install Lilo on the primary MBR of the master HD. and i can f-disk MBR to remove lilo if mandrake doesnt agree with my system, but how can i get grub back on there? Thanks for any help.