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Old 06-17-2005, 04:24 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: May 2004
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Posts: 19

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Tivo and Linux

Hello - I want to take some of the Tivo programs off that machine and transfer them to either a linux laptop or burn dvds of them to take with me when I travel. Trouble is everything I've seen discusses the new TivoToGo which is, apparently, a windblows solution.

Does anyone know of a thorough discussion covering the downloading and conversion of the files... ie I believe that SSL is needed to access the Tivo via my home intranet. but how do I find the files and convert them to mpeg/dvd format for view on a dvd player - or even perhaps on my linux laptop?

I haven't as yet played with the tivo-laptop intranet connection, because I need to clean up the hard drive on the laptop - so I'm backing up and removing files from it.
Old 06-19-2005, 01:18 AM   #2
Registered: Jun 2005
Posts: 96

Rep: Reputation: 16
you can connect to your tivo via a browser
the username is 'tivo' and the password is your media access key. you can then click on the link to download the show you want.

it will have the .TiVo extension and be encrypted. i am not sure what you could use to try to remove that.
i have a lone windows system that I use with the tivo2go software to watch/burn shows. that is its sole purpose. i havent had the time to research a way to watch the .TiVo recordings in linux without first going through that Windows step and using the tivo recommended dvd burning application.

when i finally get around to it, if i find anything i'll be sure to post it

hope this helps

[EDIT: cleaned up url]

Last edited by mhallbiai; 06-19-2005 at 01:21 AM.


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