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Old 10-05-2005, 07:32 PM   #1
Registered: Jan 2005
Distribution: Mandriva
Posts: 206

Rep: Reputation: 31
tell me if this would work with BOINC ...

I actively participate in BOINC! Seti@Home and I am wondering if the following is possible:

Since I multi-boot my machine, I want make a /home/boinc or /boinc partition and have all of my distros automatically start boinc on boot. That way, there's never any "down time" when I'm messing with my other distros. I could have boinc running separate instances - but those of you who run boinc know that would be unwise. I suspect the answer to my question is no, and I'm just going to have to make sure I reboot into one distro when I'm not using my other distros. what do you think?
Old 10-07-2005, 09:23 PM   #2
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Ought to work. Creat a partitlion just for Boinc. Make it large enough to hold the executables, the currently working files, and the next file to download.

Add the new partition to each /etc/fstab of each OS (assuming they are all Linux).

Then add a crontab to each distro to start Boinc on boot. (or perhaps, add Boinc to the autostart folder).

Just my 2 cents, but that's how I'd do it.

This is where I got the idea:

System Daemon Installation
Installing the BOINC client to run as a daemon is a little more complicated, but it will then run automatically whenever you boot your system. You should create a separate user to run the client from their own home directory, and initialize BOINC as that user. Then add a unix start/stop script to start the processs as a daemon at run time.
Create a new user - You must first create a separate user to run the core client. I called the user 'boinc'. On Red Hat Linux one can use the adduser command:
adduser boinc

By default this creates the user's home directory as /home/boinc but you can alter that with a command line flag.
Download core client - Get the executable from the web site from the project you have presumably already registered with. Right click on the file for your particular platform and this will download a file with a name like boinc_4.05_i686-pc-linux-gnu. Make the file executable with the command
chmod +x boinc_4.05_i686-pc-linux-gnu

and then move this file to the home directory of the boinc user.
Initialize the account - You need to log in as the boinc user, or su to that userid, and run the core client once to initialize the account with the project. Here's an example:
moonflower:/root# su boinc
moonflower:/root> cd
moonflower:boinc> ./boinc_4.05_i686-pc-linux-gnu
2004-07-27 11:03:24 [---] Starting BOINC client version 4.05 for i686-pc-linux-$
Enter the URL of the project:
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Paste the account key here: 352f0c806b28989010598e3b4f0391ea
2004-07-27 11:03:42 [] Project prefs: using your defaults
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2004-07-27 11:03:42 [---] General prefs: from unknown project
2004-07-27 11:03:42 [---] General prefs: using your defaults
2004-07-27 11:03:42 [---] Running CPU benchmarks

Once the client is running you can exit with Control-C.
Add the start/stop script - To get BOINC to run as a daemon at boot time you need to add a Unix start/stop script to your boot sequence. The procedure may be somewhat different on different flavours of Unix, but the idea is the same.
For Red Hat Linux I used this script, which uses the Red Hat functions, but for other versions of Unix you can easily modify this to work on your system. I put this script in the file /etc/rc.d/init.d/boinc (make sure it is executable) and then issued the commands:
service boinc start
chkconfig boinc reset

The first starts the BOINC client right away, while the second causes it to be started the next time the system is booted and stopped when the system is shut down.
I'd be happy to link here to variations for other flavours of Linux.
Please send corrections or suggestions for improvement to
Eric Myers <> Last modified: 18 September 2004 /~myers/help/boinc/unix.html

Last edited by bigrigdriver; 10-07-2005 at 09:37 PM.
Old 10-08-2005, 01:42 PM   #3
Registered: Jan 2005
Distribution: Mandriva
Posts: 206

Original Poster
Rep: Reputation: 31
Thanks for your post! I was thinking it might just work, but might be ill-advised. I think I will try it today and let you know how it turns out!
Old 10-23-2005, 01:39 PM   #4
Registered: Jan 2005
Distribution: Mandriva
Posts: 206

Original Poster
Rep: Reputation: 31
well, as it turns out, this won't work. I did exactly what the previous posts said, and boinc will start and run with all distros, but the results are not able to be validated by BOINC. Apparently, if one distro starts a result, another cannot finish it - this results in a "client error". So, while this would work in theory, and it does, the restrictions on the SETI end do not allow for this. The only way it would work is if you allow the system to finish a result before you reboot into another distro.


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