system-wide crontab in /etc/crontab
well, I am trying to set up system-wide crontab, but it does not seem to work.
I have created a script:
du -s /home/* | sort -nr | head -n 5
I also edited the /etc/crontab:
00-59 * * * * /home/user/script 2>&1 > /home/user/logfile
but it doesn't seem to be doing anything... Am I overlooking something?
I even tried to put the command straight in the crontab file:
00-59 * * * * du -s /home/* | sort -nr | head -n 5 >> /home/user/file
and I get no output, eventhough similar command works fine on the user crontab...
Last edited by ner; 11-18-2003 at 12:11 PM.