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Old 11-20-2002, 02:05 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Nov 2002
Location: Atlanta, GA
Posts: 2

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Angry suse and red had dual boot installation

Please help:

I am a newbie when it comes to Linux. I have been trying to install SuSE 7.3 & Red Hat 7.3 on the same box. I have tried various scenarios and yet has not been able to get both of them to show up. My system is as follows:

PIII, 512M RAM, 2x40G(80G total) of HD, SoundBlaster S/C, Nvidia TNT2 V/C, and 3com ethernet.

I tried to installed each distro on separate disk with the boot manager installed on the same respective disk, and that didn't work. When I tried to edit the lilo.conf file, was given error message that "fatal error: dir.....not found".

I think the main problem has to do with the MBR since for example, I can boot up RH using the bootdisk, even though SuSE was the "default" one.

Anyone has any idea how I can get around these problems. I have no clue as to how I can go about this. Please help.

Old 11-20-2002, 07:44 AM   #2
Registered: Aug 2002
Location: Australia
Distribution: Mdk 9, Debian 3, OpenLinux 2.3, Slackware 8.1, RedHat 8
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Install redhat on /dev/hda (1st hard disk) and install Lilo on the MBR of that drive.
Then install suse on /dev/hdb (second hard disk) and install suse's Lilo on the root partition of the suse installation (dev/hdb1 if your only using 1 partition for suse, as it can use redhat's swap partition).

Edit the "/etc/lilo.conf" in the redhat install, tack this on the end;

other = /dev/hdb1 (or whatever your suse root partition is)
label = Suse (or whatever you want to call it)

And then run "/sbin/lilo", reboot and that should be it.
Old 11-20-2002, 12:08 PM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Nov 2002
Location: Atlanta, GA
Posts: 2

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I think I might have done that already, and when I did the /sbin/lilo command, I got an error message like this:
'added linux*
fatal error: /boot/vmlinuz...img-no such file or directory..'

Anyway, just to be sure, I will re-install both distro again per you advice to see if I get lucky. Will let you know how it goes.




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