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Old 01-12-2005, 10:11 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jan 2005
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Suse 9.0 install freeze, Hard drive now not detected even by BIOS

I have two issues here. Both happened when I tried to install Suse 9.0. First one is I was doing a fresh install. I went to remove a partition and now it shows a 20GB HD only has 512MB even in the BIOS. I tried loading Red Hat to use Fdisk and Disk Druid which I've used many times successfully. No luck, drive still reads 512MB.

Other issue, removed previous hard drive and installed spare 6GB. Once again tried to install Suse 9.0. No problems partitioning or anything like that this time. Only problem is it froze part way into disk 2 install during Mozilla 1.4 module installation. I thought maybe it was just taking longer than expected but the status indicator stayed frozen for over an hour, at which point I did a hard reset because it wouldn't respond to Abort Installation or anything else. Now even the BIOS can't even detect a hard drive period. I'm a Suse newbie but my best guess is that for whatever reason it locked up and fried the hard drive. Does anyone have any other words of wisdom for this situation? Any help or ideas would be appreciated. Thanks.

Day 2- I've tried loading the Bios defaults then I tried optimal settings and neither work. It's a second computer of mine...just an AMD K6 2 500 Via chipset, 384MB Ram. I eventually wanted to scrap Windows but I'm not having the best of luck so far. I plugged the 20GB one back in and tried reboot, did the normal boot seq (which now displays 1057MB as the disk size) then displayed GRUB(I know-bootloader...I'm not that new) at the bottom follow by _ and then just froze so I'm thinking the freeze on install jacked that one up or something. Do you need any other specs other than what I described above? Thx.

Last edited by gecko79; 01-12-2005 at 10:13 AM.
Old 01-12-2005, 05:38 PM   #2
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Try getting a book disk from a friend (windows) and include the program "aefdisk" on it to see if there's a funky partition blocking you.


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