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Old 08-23-2003, 04:58 AM   #1
Registered: Apr 2003
Distribution: Kanotix and Gentoo, and knoppix
Posts: 109

Rep: Reputation: 15
Suse 8.2 change my DMA setting on my DVD-R drive to off & IDE DMA MODE NOT SHOWING IT

ok here's a question about dma setting in linux if you change your DVD-R drive to off on dma then it stops showing in Hardware,
IDA DMA MODE menu in Suse 8.2 , how to you fix your DVD-R drive and turn the thing back on . All the other drives are showing like the normal dvd drive , hard drives etc.. but it seems to lack the DVD-R in the menu for IDA DMA MODE in Suse 8.2 , I think I change it off because the drive has been slow lately in playing video etc.. which needs DMA on to the drives max settings possible for a DVD-R drive.

How do I go about fixing the dma drive reading problems for my computer?

its causing my pentium 4 2.80Ghz computer problems know , please help give into if you know a fix for it , video playback on DVD-R drive not working right know. I need to get the UltraDMA/33 or UltraDMA/66 setting back on DVD-R drive , does anyone know of a program that can fix it? it seems to be ok in windows just having problems under linux , its like the dma setting are on in windows but when in linux the video playback etc .. dma off in linux but not in windows problem , I was booting both windows and Linux on 2 harddrives with 2 DVD drives one normal just DVD drive and the other one a DVD-R drive.
the harddrives are like 80GB and a 29GB drive, I have the 80GB slit between windows and Linux (SuSE LINUX Professional 8.2) I notce the video player Xine DVD player was not working right and figured out I must of turn off the dma setting which is no longer showing up for the linux thing , I was able to turn the normal DVD drive dma setting back on which made this one play right for a while but then I started to get a weird thing happening with keyboard the scroll lock would go on and off in playback video & clopy playback etc.. in other normal DVD drive.but I have not yet gotten the DVD-R drives DMA setting back on they seen to be stuck off and this point and I have started using my old sony pentium 3 computer until I can get the newer one fixed. which I need some help on fixing the DVD-R dma setting in Suse 8.2 and that weird keyboard scroll lock thing. I did use one of those air cleaners to get the dust out of the computer and use the air cleaning near the agp slot for the 3D card bacause their seem to be some brown color like dust near the slot for my 3D card. but thats something else , about the scroll lock going on and off during video playback , also their was a sound going on and off too when that was happen not a normal sound from the video but from something else . any info on the problems I was getting from linux would be nice & my bios for the pentium 4 computer is by AOPEN , also my monitor brand is not detected by Linux , I have two Futura Monitors, that brand does not detect under Linux so I selected VESA 800x480 res for the monitor and had to use xf86config to get 3D to work right under linux in suse 8.2 with my Geforce 4 MX 64MB card. The normal program for the monitor and 3D setting don't work right under Suse 8.2 , if you don't configure it with the xf86config program then the monior gets a power saving mode or out of range message thing on running Tux Racer but once I configured it with xf86config , and use the nvidia .sh file thing for 3D , the 3D worked right then.


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