Suggestions, Advice's, Pointers...
I have a hard time explaining what I am after. I am an AutoCAD Draftsperson and I also started to use and love Linux some 5 years ago. I was trying to find an application that would be like AutoCAD and that would work on Linux so that I can totally transfer to Linux and forget about Windows.
I found Bricscad and that is great. Now comes the part where I need an advice or a suggestion from you, experts, to help me have the best possible configuration for my drafting on Linux.
I was wondering if you can give me advice's and suggestions in the way how I could make my Linux Mint be best configured to give me a 100% while I am using Bricscad. Maybe you would have a different distro in mind? Maybe you would have me load certain apps to make it all work better? Maybe something else? In any case, any idea or suggestion is greatly appreciated.