Hello forum,
I write a short script which automates some backup-jobs. I describe my problem by an example.
find /etc -print > /tmp/backup.list
gives me a list of all files to back up (I want to perform incremental backups using the option -mtime -1).
Then I pack them into an tar.bz2 with the following command:
tar -cjv -T /tmp/backup.list -f backup.tar.bz2
If I look over the resulting archive I realize that the directories below /etc are stored twice in the archive. The next directorylevel is stored three times, so that
tar -tjf backup.tar.bz2|grep XF86Config
shows this file three times.
In /tmp/backup.list every file is present just one time!
In this case I'm really helpless and need your kindly advice.
Frank Becker