Sshd Rsa Authentication! Help!
I just upgraded my SSH daemon and all other Open SSH software to the lastest version, from what was distributed with RH 7.2. After upgrading, I can no longer authenticate using RSA1 public keys. I get the following error in the log:
RSA authentication refused for <usrname>: bad ownership or modes for '$HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys'
Nothing has changed what-so-ever. I have attempted recreating keys, changing file rights, ownerships, to just about everything possible, and still get the same error.
Nothing in the sshd_config has changed either.
The only way I can get it to work at all, is to enable regular password authentication, which I do not want.
Any ideas anyone?
All software is the lastest on this machine as of 01/23/02. [FONT=arial]