hello all. i compiled apache 2.0.48 twice. once using gcc and the other using intel's compiler (icc). i assumed i did the intel one right as ./configure --help said environment variables should be listed in the Var=Value form. anyway the commands i used for ./configure were:
intel - ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/apache CC=icc --with-ssl=/usr/include/openssl
gcc - ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/apache --with-ssl=/usr/include/openssl
anyway, if that's wrong for compiling with intel, i guess you'll let me know. i'm manually renaming the directories too.
Basically, i'm looking for some kind of command to apache where i can time how long it takes to serve up my test page that has about 150 linked images at an average of 30KB/image. i've been doing so far:
time konqueror
but that requires me to be able to perfectly time when to close konqueror out when the page has finished loading. plus i think there maybe time differences to when konq actually loads and exits.
anyway, is there a better way of seeing the output performance between gcc and icc in regards to apache performance or should i just say fuhgeddaboutid?