Hi all,
Today I decided to upgrade my Testing version of Debian, which I haven't used in a while. I haven't figured out how to give sudo rights for APT to non-root members yet (irrelevant), and I forgot the root password. It's written down somewhere I don't have easy access to today, so I decided to try something I'd never done before and change it. I followed Google here:
I used init=/bin/bash with GRUB and mounted / and also /usr (to get passwd). When I wanted to shut down I also found I needed to mount /var. No problem, but I finally got an error message I couldn't get past:
# shutdown -h now
shutdown: timeout opening/writing control channel /dev/initctl
init: timeout opening/writing control channel /dev/initctl
I got the same error whether I used "
init 0" or "
init 6".
I also tried mounting more partitions, but nothing worked. I consulted a printed Linux manual and looked at my /etc/inittab, which was fairly opaque, and finally just used CtlAltDel, which worked.
After searching for a bit on Google the discussions I find on initctl are not very clear to me. I understand that init starts all other processes and I understand from the linked article that by specifying init=/bin/bash to the kernel argument it "dumps me to a bash prompt much earlier than single user mode." I'm not sure, however, what the /dev/initctl is about.
According to
this LQ post, I need to init(ialize) init, but that still doesn't tell me what initctl is. Does anyone have a reasonably dumbed-down article for me to read, or care to quickly explain it?