Originally posted by katana
this is one nutty professor alright...
well, my lecturer had asked me tu put aside the partition job for a while and take a stab at building a dns server..(mcleodnine..maybe i should just take option no. 1,what do you say?)..anyway,i've read quite a lot on the subject and have done some experimenting on my own..but it just wouldnt work!! For those who want to help out a 'damsel in distress' here, here's what i've been working on:
my comp is bonggo (bonggo.kym.edu.my)...we've got a dns server at kym.edu.my ( prof wants me to build my dns server in bonggo called internal.kym.edu.my, which is supposed to take care of internal dns (?)...
First the paranoid side of me (that would be the outside) I would recommend that U stop throwing around real IPs and domain names.
Mmmmkayyy. I trust you're using bind8.2.3 at least.
You want YOUR server be be authoritative for your zone, which will be 'internal.xxx.edu.xx' so you need to build a zone in your named.conf. Then you'll need to build the zone data.
The 'zone' entry in named should look like this. (Not Literally!!!)
zone "internal.xxx.edu.xx" IN {
type master;
file "db.internal" ;# This is the file name for your zone data file you will build
Some hints:
[list=a][*]are you 'registering' as a name server with your parent nameserver?[*]how many name servers are you building?[*]what is the scope of the network you will be authoritative for?
You'll need to answer these questions b4 you can begin.
The admin has put links up in the last week to the O'Reilly press book 'DNS and BIND' by Ablitz and Liu. I *** highly *** advise you to make use of it. Do a search on this site.
It's kinda like Myst, but without all the eye candy.