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Old 10-22-2001, 05:39 AM   #1
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Red Hat 7.1 unmount/eject problem.

I have experienced some problem with Red Hat 7.1 and Gnome.
When I insert a CD it get's automatically mounted and the filemanager pops up.
Fine, but sometimes when for example I have played mp3 from a CD and try to unmount/eject the cd it refuses.
It says the device is busy.

I have tried to figure out what is wrong but can't come to a solution but to reboot, very annoying.
I have the drive applet running for both floppy and cd, never had a problem with floppy though.
I tried to unmount manually as root with both umount /mnt/cdrom and
also with umount -f /mnt/cdrom wich is supposed to force.
Nothing works, always get "device busy"
I have double check that I'm not standing in the /mnt/cdrom directory anywhere.
No running program is accessing the drive.

I wonder if anyone have had the same problem and if there might be solution to the problem?
Old 10-22-2001, 11:37 AM   #2
Registered: Jun 2001
Location: Centralia, WA
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No, I don't think you're stupid, but... are you still playing the cd when you want to unmount/eject it? or are you in the /mnt/cdrom directory possibly listing the contents? Before trying to unmount the drive make sure you do something like "cd ~" or "cd /" then do the unmount. The system will see the directory as busy if you are cd'd to the directory or if the cdrom is being read from.
Old 10-22-2001, 11:45 AM   #3
Registered: Aug 2001
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I stopped using Gnome a couple of months ago because I prefer KDE, but now that you mention it I did experience the same issue. Unfortunately, I don't have a solution ( unless you consider switching to KDE a solution ). I remember thinking at the time that either XMMS or X was not releasing the resource correctly....
Old 10-22-2001, 11:46 AM   #4
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try using the `fuser` utility to find out which processes are keeping the device busy.


fuser /mnt/cdrom or fuser /dev/cdrom

(I think!)

`man fuser` should give you a better explanation of this!

Hope this helps

Old 10-22-2001, 11:50 AM   #5
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I have had similar problems with all version of Mandy that I've used. I have even had this message after I have ejected and removed the media (my DVD drive will allow you to eject the media even if it's still technically being accessed - it's one of those front loading, not tray jobbies).

I have found, however, that the problem sorts itself out after a few minutes. I just keep 'umount /mnt/cdrom2'ing the device and eventually it works (BTW I don't have the automount thing on).

The only thing that I could come up with (and I have yet to prove it) is that the media was of low quality (to the point where I sometimes couldn't read it under Windows, but Linux would still see the files/data).


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