There are quite a few open source utilities out there that could most likely help you out, *depending* on how well formatted the hard drive is. I don't know the M$ formatting specs or algorithms off hand, so I don't know if it will be easy, hard, etc. What really matters in this case though is how recent did you format the drive? Have you written any new data to the drive since the format? If not, or at a minimal amount, you should be able to recover at least some of your data.
Have a look at the following links, as they will contain information that will assist you in attempting to recover your data. Please note, that if the data has been written over enough of times, or there is any type of damage to the platter of the hard drive, that you will either be out of luck, or will have to shell out some money to a third-party for more intensive recovery options.
Me personally, I recommend try using testdisk/photorec first. I wish you good luck with getting your files back!