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Old 09-20-2014, 01:52 PM   #1
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raspi-config messed up GUI boot

I have a strange problem with my raspberry pi B running raspbian. I wanted to boot to a GUI environment, so I used sudo rapi-config to make the change the easy way like I've done many times before with no problems. I did it in an ssh session using a 5" screen in Android and I think this was the problem. It did execute the menu as usual, but when the pi rebooted it looks like it boots ok (no errors on screen) and then starts the X session and stops with a blank screen. The green LED on the board shows that it is still loading something from the SD card. I cannot start a virtual terminal session or an ssh session.

I have Linux setup on other computers and can get into the ext partition and change files. It seems like X session files got messed do I fix them from another computer?
Old 09-22-2014, 11:42 AM   #2
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A complicated, but good place to look is /var/log/Xorg.0.log where the XServer runs out of. Not sure what exact configuration you're running. But for me, there's /etc/X11/xorg.conf the previously mentioned log file, and then /usr/lib/X11/xinit/xinitrc.

I'd guess or assume that the configuration and startup script files are the same, but obviously something to check. The log file will show tons of info, warnings, and errors. The problem is some errors are "normal" in that it's trying to load a particular driver which may always fail and it goes to a backup. Therefore it's useful to obtain that same file from a working Pi configured identically and compare the two.

Those are the files I'd compare between each system to determine first if there are any differences either in setup (xorg.conf) or initialization (xinitrc), or load time results (Xorg.0.log).


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