I've been trying to burn a video dvd, but when I put it into my player, it didn't work. When I first put in, I was able to hear a second of the music, then nothing happened. o video, no more sound. I tried on my regular dvd player, and mplayer also did the same thing, and gave a red error. Obviously, I made a mistake in preparing the dvd; I'm just not sure where. Here's what I did to make the dvd.
1. Transcoded divx movies with mp3 audio to mpeg with ac3 audio. Here is the command I used
transcode -i "/home/inexactitude/SakuraDiaries/Sakura Diaries(Uncut) - 05.avi" -x divx -y mpeg2enc,mp2enc -E 44100 -I 2 -C 3 -Z 720x480 -k -z -N 0x2000 -b 128 -s 1 -o "episode5"
2. I then used mplex to put the audio and video together. I used mplex -f 8 movie.m1v movie.mpa -o movie.
3. I then used dvdauthor on each of five video files that I want to put to dvd, putting them into the "dvd" directory.
4. I ran dvdauthor to create the table of contents file in the dvd directory. The dvd directory now contains and AUDIO_TS and VIDEO_TS directory. The AUDIO_TS directory is empty, here is the contents of the VIDEO_TS directory:
VTS_01_0.BUP VTS_02_0.IFO VTS_03_1.VOB VTS_05_0.BUP
VTS_01_0.IFO VTS_02_1.VOB VTS_04_0.BUP VTS_05_0.IFO
5. I used mkisofs -dvd-compat to make an iso of the "dvd" directory.
6. I was having trouble with k3b, so I booted into knoppix and then used k3b there and used "burn dvd iso image" to burn the iso to the cd.
Then it didn't work. Anywhere.
I'm sorry for such a long post. If you can see any mistakes in the process, please tell me how I can correct them. Any help is truly appreciated. Thanks.