Please bear with me this is hard for me to explain
Unable to change the volume for user2. no mixer. I'll use Xmms as the player.
Three users [root] [user1] [user2]
All three users belong to the group audio.
All three users can play sound.
Only root and user1 can control the volume.
Root and user1 can callup aumix or kmix.
User2 has no volume control, volume is constant and cannot callup the mixers. when kmix is managed to be started it is blank.
Comparisong of Mixer settings for user1 and user2:
On using the gui properties for User1 [aumix] icon, under Permissions User1 [aumix] belongs to the group User1 in both cases and the Group text that define the permissions is in bold.
On using the gui properties for User2 [aumix] icon under Permissions User2 [aumix] belongs to the group root in both cases and the Others text that define the permissions is in bold unlike User1 which has Group in bold.
So the difference being that user2 which cannot control the volume belongs to the group root and has the Others text in bold all other settings are the same.
So the main question is how do I allign user2 with the mixer so that it can control the volume?
Related questions;
1. How do I check what permissions a user has on a group from a users perspective.
2. How do I check what permissions a user has on a group from a groups perspective.
3. user1 has Groups in bold and user2 has Others in bold. How do I change it? do I need to change it.
4. since user 2 belongs to [others] how would I get aumix to allow [others] to control it?