permission question between windows and linux
I have a samba share on linux that I am accessing from windows.
I use the rughooam username to access my share
I have a file with the following permission
-rwxrwxr--. 1 compiler compilepcaccess 276213 May 13 15:16 freqedgectrl.vhd
Running groups shows that rughooam belongs to the compilepcaccess group:
[rughooam@ROC-W7-JB3V942 sysgen]$ groups
rughooam compilepcaccess
I tried changing permissions from windows but whereas it will allow me to change permission for files that have user rughooam and group rughooam, it won't let me for user compiler with group compilepcaccess.
I am at a lost why samba would prevent user rughooam from modifying the permission of this file although it has group access.
Thanks for the help,