I would like some advice/comments on following setup:
I currently dual boot Debian and Windows Xp. But I need to repartition my harddisks and I want to change the layout whilst doing so.
The main question I currently have is games related. I've been using wine for quite a while now, and I've successfully managed to run a lot of games with it. But I keep XP because of gaming (why else...) for those titles that will not run with wine, or for that extra bit of performance.
Anyhow, I'm increasingly annoyed by often having 'two copies' of a game, one on a ntfs formatted partition for XP, the other in a .wine subfolder on my home partition.
The obvious solution would be to have a 'dedicated' games partiton, which both XP and linux can fully access. This leads to the question of what filesystem to use for such a partition. The choices:
ntfs, ext3, or vfat.
vfat is old and error prone, due to encoding issues and access rights. ntfs is fully writeable from within linux by now, but I don't really know about the performance (on linux side).
ext3(or ext2) access from within windows is also possible (
http://www.fs-driver.org/ or
http://ext2fsd.sourceforge.net/), but again I'm not sure about performance, this time on XP's side.
The other question is also somewhat performance related.
Both XP and linux implement virtual memory, linux calls it swap, XP pagefile. I have two physical harddisks, and basically I want to know which disk is best used for storing XP's pagefile, linux swap partitions.
I know that with linux I can have multiple swap-areas, so best thing would probably be to have one swap partition on each drive.
With XP, I've heard it to be best to store the pagefile on the disk XP is not installed on, atleast when two or more disks are availible.
But, regarding my first question, which disk is more suited for housing my 'dedicated' games partition, the one XP resides on, or where the pagefile lies?
I know this is a Linux board and I'm sorry for offending everyone with those capital XPs dotted around my post, but I feel my question being valid enough to do so, and would very much like to hear your thoughts on the issues mentioned.