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Old 12-10-2001, 04:42 PM   #1
Registered: Nov 2001
Location: Toronto, Canada
Distribution: CentOS 4
Posts: 66

Rep: Reputation: 15
Plesae disregard this post... my mistake

Hi guys and gals,

Here's the situation at hand, I was working on a shell script to basically backup files from an smb share and it was working just great. I then wanted to mv it to /usr/bin in order to be able to execute it from anywhere. However when I did that something strange happened. I wasn't able to run the script as it would say "no such file or directory". The file was in fact there and it was chmoded u+x and yet still this message. I even redid the script and saved it elsewhere and still the error. I really don't know what happened but I would really like some feedback from anyone who may know what the problem is.


Last edited by chris; 12-10-2001 at 04:54 PM.
Old 12-10-2001, 05:15 PM   #2
Registered: Jul 2001
Location: Taiwan (ex-Victoria BC)
Distribution: RH 9.0
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This is likely not the answer, but have you tried (as root) to

updatedb ?

Give it a try.
Old 12-10-2001, 05:20 PM   #3
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updatedb will certainly have no effect, that's just used for locates etc... not for exectuing programs.

are you sure your rights are still ok? what does 'ls -l /usr/bin/filename' say? does the filename autocomplete with tab?

It might be the case of the 'file not found' coming from inside the code, not the file itself. does it use and relative paths or such like?


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