I finally got the network time protocal daemon working on my machine as a server for my other comps, but i can't figure something out. First, why do I need to wait a little while (about 5-10 min) before the other computers are allowed to sychronize with this server? And along with that question, when I do the command "ntpdc -s" I get this:
remote local st poll reach delay offset disp
======================================================================= 1 64 377 0.60773 1.590324 0.00095
.time-a.nist.gov 1 64 367 0.24605 0.096457 0.00105
*nist1-ny.glasse 1 64 377 0.38031 0.147666 0.00095
.NAVOBS1.MIT.EDU 1 64 347 0.45412 0.204946 0.06366
And when I type "ntpq -p" I get this:
remote refid st t when poll reach delay offset jitter
+NAVOBS1.MIT.EDU .PSC. 1 u 50 64 347 454.129 204.946 106.743
+time-a.nist.gov .ACTS. 1 u 55 64 367 246.062 96.457 98.909
*nist1-ny.glasse .ACTS. 1 u 60 64 377 380.315 147.666 178.437
x200.54.149.19 .NIST. 1 u 56 64 377 607.728 1590.32 153.141
Now these are the outside servers that i set my server to sync with, but i can't figure out what the columns mean, but more importantly, I can't figure out what the little symbols in front of the ip addresses are, like there are "." and "*" in ntpdc and '+' 'x' and '*' in the ntpq results. It seems that when I first start ntpd, there are no symbols whatsoever in front, but after a while, I get a '*' thing, and that's when I can use my own server to sync with my other comps.
I guess that the * means that my server has established a connection with the outside server, but i'm not too sure, and what do the 'x' '.' and '+' mean? And if anyone wants to enlighten me on what the fields mean, or direct me towards a good website which does enlighten, feel free to tell