hey guys.. i plan to add redhat8 to my win2k box.. i created a seperate 20 gig partition, downloaded and burned iso1-3 (of 5) and had no luck making the first iso bootable.. i searched around for redhat8 bootdisks but they are just a little to large for my 1.38 floppys.. im assuming the bootdisk file is a linux format and used to create a disk, rather than a single file used to be placed on the floppy [from windows].. what must i do? also am i on the right path with the iso's? i just put the 3 iso's on seperate cd's with out any fancy style ie: image, bootable image.... etc...
if any of you are intrested i found an excellent govenment hosted ftp site which i used to download these files.. i had my cable line maxed out throughout the transfers at +/- 200 kbp/s.. the sites address is:
Thanks in advance! -james