Need to mount LVM volume and save Data -- Recovering from power loss.
Fedora/ VTiger system incurred a power loss and need to mount LVM Volume and save the data. Faced with only a Grub prompt, turned to the Net postings of the Linux community. Using Net help, Knoppix CD found an alternate superblock for hda1 (ext3) which worked to mount hda1. But hda2 is LVM2 (bootable) and will not mount. Hda2 is (lvdisplay) VolGroup00 with LogVol00 (152 GB) & LogVol01 (640 MB).
Tried 'Sudo mount /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00 /tmp/mnt' , which gives 'special device' /---/--- 'does not exist'.
Last edited by chuckcom; 02-09-2008 at 07:00 PM.