mysql - problem with start and password
Having installed Mysql onto a SuSE 7.0 - both from the Linux Format magazine.
I am running on a 200MHz Intel Pentium MMX with 48 Mb RAM
I put the mysql-3.22.32 into /usr/local and untarred it
I then created a link with :-
ln -s /usr/local/mysql /usr/local/mysql-3.22.32
I then had to ./configure, make and make install
(which it doesn't say in the mag) before it would allow me to run
This then created the db table, host table etc.....
Then it would not allow me to cd into mysql directory and it denied me permission to
./support-files/mysql.server start
Where have I gone wrong?
I've read tons of stuff and it doesn't seem to be any clearer
Advice warmly welcomed
Thanks in advance